Progetto approvato
con D.D.R.T. 7772/2000
all'interno del



    2.1      Risk analysis: definitions
   2.1.1   Definition of risk
   2.1.2   Types of risk 

   2.1.3   Identifying and evaluating risk and evaluating risk Estimate of frequency Estimate of damage Estimate of risk
   2.1.4.  Risk analysis in this study


Two factors have given rise to new risk analysis studies of industrial activity: one is the emphasis on increasing industrial production with the aid of new machinery and ever greater innovations in industrial process and the other is an increase in public awareness of the need to safeguard workers’ health.

In the maritime sector in particular several incidents have occurred in the last twenty years which have brought the phenomenon of work injuries to the attention of the public, along with all the risk aspects of work in shipyards.

This is the background for this study, which investigates risks in shipbuilding and in the production of fibreglass and composite materials vessels in general.

2.1 Risk analysis: definitions

2.1.1 Definition of risk

Before seeking to identify and evaluate risks it is necessary to provide some basic definitions.

“Risk” (R) is defined as the product of the expected frequency (F) of a certain undesired event multiplied by the seriousness of the damage (D) that the event may cause:

R = F x D

This definition was first introduced at the end of the seventies in analyses of reliability and safety. Although it is not universally accepted, it is certainly a good attempt to describe in analytical terms exactly what is meant by the concept of risk.

2.1.2 Types of risk 

The risks connected with any type of work can be classified as follows:

·          Conventional risks. These are connected to the work activity and the equipment and plant present in all industrial sectors (falls from platforms or stairs, crushing under heavy objects, electric shocks, moving machine parts). These are relatively frequent and on average affect one or two people. (Figure 4).

·          Specific risks. These relate to the use of chemical substances and to exposure to physical agents such as noise or extreme temperatures. By their nature these risks can, in the short or long term, harm people, things and the environment. They are continual or very frequent events which can cause little damage in the short term, but can have long term negative effects on subjects exposed over a period of time.

·          High potential risks. These arise out of unusual events, and can cause explosions or emissions of toxic or inflammable products in such large quantities as to effect large areas on- and off-site. They are very rare events with particularly serious consequences.


Figure 4 - Types of risk and their frequency


2.1.3 Identifying and evaluating risk

Many different activities are involved in analysing risk and figure 5 shows how they interrelate.

·          Identification of event or potential event or exposure to harmful substances

·          Estimate of the frequency of occurrence of the event;

·          Estimate of the damage caused by the event

·          Evaluation of risk on the basis of estimated frequency and damage

·          Evaluation of the acceptability of the risk on the basis of technical, health, environmental and social criteria.













Figure 5 - Activities involved in risk analysis Identifying and evaluating risk

Identifying possible incidents and conditions of work which may give rise to exposure to danger is carried out through analysis of the activities mentioned in Figures 1, 2 and 3 for different types of work activity. This results in the identification of the type of risk present in each individual activity. A matrix of activity/type of risk can then be produced. An example is shown in Table 1.


Type of risk
Conventional risks Specific risks
Falls Crushing Off loadingi Noisei Welding fumes Asbestos
Mechanical cutting                
Scoria removal                
Sheet metal and plate forming                
Oxyacetyene cutting                
Profile forming                















Table 1 - Activity/type of risk matrix

The Tuscan Regional Authority has carried out a study of this type, although without using the activity/risk matrix. The study was presented to the National Convention at Viareggio on 30/31 October 1989. The results were also published by ISPESL in the “Fogli d’informazione ISPESL. Cantieri navali” Year IV, 2nd supplement to the 1st issue 1993. Estimate of frequency

Frequency is estimated approximately according to a qualitative scale which is arbitrarily translated into numeric sequence.

Suggested scale:

·          Improbable event           1 
·          Not very probable event        2
·          Probable event              3
·          Highly probable event  4

More analytical estimates can be made for certain types of event. It is suggested that whatever the method of estimation used, all the results obtained should be presented on a single scale, such as that above. Estimate of damage

Damage is estimated approximately according to a qualitative scale which is arbitrarily translated into numeric sequence.

Suggested scale:

·          Light    1
·          Medium  2
·          Serious 3
·          Very serious 4

More analytical estimates can be made for certain types of damage. Here too, it is suggested that whatever the estimation method used, all the results obtained should be presented on a single scale, such as that above. Estimate of risk

The two scales suggested for numerically evaluating the frequency F and the damage D, although being arbitrary, provide an estimate of frequency based on experience, calculation and data banks. They similarly provide an estimate of different types of damage, thereby allowing an evaluation of risk in numeric terms for all activities (or events) on an arbitrary scale.

This means that an evaluation matrix can be drawn up (Table 2).


Type of risk

Frequency F

Damage D

Risk F x D



Probability 3

Light 1



Table 2 - Risk evaluation matrix


2.1.4. Risk analysis in this study

A general method for risk evaluation in semi-quantitive terms will be suggested in this study, but as the focus is on health and safety for shipyard workers the emphasis will be on identifying specific risks.