Progetto approvato
con D.D.R.T. 7772/2000
all'interno del




Maurizio Figiani
UdR Safety, INDACO Department, MIlan Polytechnical Istitute
Via Durando 38a, 28158 Milan


3.1 Introduction    

The present chapter analyzes accidents and professional diseases trend in the field of building sector.

The main source considered for this purpose is the INAIL database. Further informations have been obtained from data published by Work politics Department of the Ministry of Work; many more refer themselves to publications edited by ANCE.

The trend of accidents and professional diseases had been compared, using absolute and percentage values, with the occupation trend; moreover to show the typical problems of Livorno Province, the numerical data have been compared with those related to large scale territorial precincts.

For this purpose had been very useful the consultation of the Research of Tuscany Region "Labour accidents survey Project of Regional Department of health rights and solidarity politics" and of data published by CONTARP/INAIL concerning in particular professional diseases.

It results from these documents that from 1999 to 2001 it has been a period of growth for the building sector. From an occupational point of view the division had confirmed his capability to absorb manpower in a grater measure than others. It has been estimated that the trend in the first nine months of year 2001 in comparison with the same period of the previous year, could be described with a 2,4% growing of workers for all economic categories, while in constructions sector the growth could be estimated around 5,8%.

The Tuscany Region and Livorno Province are aligned with the national levels of occupational growth in construction sectors and in particular for what is concerned the building sector. The progression of increase appear to be constant, while in Livorno Province the input of manpower in the building sector seems to be higher.

In the period 1998 - 2001 accidents occurred in Italy and reported to Inail, show a growth in absolute value; a small bending (-0,12%) is registered for what is concerned the relation between the accidents number and number of workers, comparing data of year 1999 with those of 2001. For what is concerned death accidents in the same period, growing numeric data had been registered from 1999 to 2001 with a shrinkage in 2000; even percentage of comparison between accidents and number of workers don't show significant differences.

In the Tuscany regional precincts, for the same period, the number of accidents and deadly events reported are increased (also in year 2000); even percentage data concerning the comparison of accidents as regards number of workers seem to grow.

"DATI INAIL" (periodical publication n. ° 5 may 2002) dedicated to building sector, quotes numeric series related to accidents reported and number of workers, from which appears that frequency in building sector in year 2001 is higher in comparison with all other sectors, and for employees this frequency is quite double of values for non employees. In the same publication are shown average data related to professional diseases cases paid off for the period from 1997 to 2001 from which appears that the most occurring pathology is bradyacusia, while in the building sector are cutaneous diseases.

Analyzing data referred to accidents on working place reported to Inail for the building sector in the period 1998 - 1999 - 2000, comparing values concerning national territory, Tuscany Region and Livorno Province, an always increasing progression is evident for what is concerned events reported in Province. Moreover, from a position in 1998 in which the relation between the number of accidents and workers in Livorno is bigger for the national territory and smaller in comparison with Tuscany, for the period 1999 - 2000 the relation is higher.

In succession are reported significant data to outline accident phenomena concerning the construction sector in Livorno Province; comments are reported at the bottom of a page for each table.


Table n.° 1

Source: Ministry of Work and of Social Politics
            Department of Work Politics


employment and unemployment trend:
survey results about workers january 2002


Table n.° 2

Source: Ministry of Work and of Social Politics
            Department of Work Politics


trend in the construction sector

Table n.° 3

Source: Ance
            joint observatory for construction industry
            synthesis note
            by construction economic area
            october 2001


employed for working sector
% variation early 9 months 2001/early 9 months 2000

The period 1999, 2000 e 2001 for the constructions sector it has been a growing period. From an occupational point of view the whole sector had confirmed his ability to absorb manpower with a higher trend in comparison with other sectors. Looking at the trend of the early 9 months of 2001 in comparison with the same period of the previous year, a growth of about 2,4% is evident concerning number of employed in all economic sectors, while in constructions the growth is 5,8%.

Table n.° 4

Source: Inail
           annual report 2001
           statistic data - part three - territorial card

           Italy - Central Italy - Tuscany Region

Data and comparison graphics of number of employed in all sectors and in constructions

Table n.° 5

Source: Inail
           annual report 2001
           statistic data - part three - territorial card

data, graphics e relative percentages by employed in all sectors and in constructions

Table n.° 6

Source: Inail
           annual report 2001
           statistic data - part three - territorial card

data, graphic e relative percentages by employed in all sectors and in constructions

Table n.° 7

Source: Inail
           statistics - statistical database

LIVORNO province
1998 - employed by province, rate code e Inail typology


Table n.° 8

Source: Inail
           statistics - statistical database

LIVORNO province
1999 - employed by province, rate code e Inail typology


Table n.° 9

Source: Inail
           statistics - statistical database

LIVORNO province
2000 - employed by province, rate code e Inail typology


Table n.° 10

Source: Inail
           statistics - statistical database

LIVORNO province
1998 - 1999 - 2000
data, graphics e relative percentages by employed in all sectors and in constructions


Table n.° 11

Source: Inail
           statistics - statistical database

LIVORNO province
1998 - 1999 - 2000
data, graphics e relative percentages by employed in constructions and building constructions sectors