Progetto approvato
con D.D.R.T. 7772/2000
all'interno del


Health and Safety at work is a subject which has been given a high priority by the Province of Livorno for some time. Various initiatives have been set up, particularly in the maritime and port areas.

European, national and local information has shown that agriculture, construction and shipbuilding are sectors with the most accidents and work-related illnesses. With these sectors in mind the Province of Livorno has presented the project ‘New Technology for the Portection of Life and Work’. The project is presented under the auspices of the ‘Regional Operative Programme, Objective 3 of the European Social Fund 2000 –2006) approved by decree of the Region of Tuscany n. 7772/2000. 

Despite the valuable role of vocational training in awareness raising and the creation of specialised professionals we believed that more research was required on the particular nature of  safety in the three areas in question. So we have concentrated on the themes of: training, research and dissemination. 

In addition to the research itself, this project has provided the opportunity to exchange ideas at a local level. The private and public sector in the province have directed their efforts at improving safety at work right from the planning stages. It is from the combined input of the local Health Authority, the private sector and workforces that the project originated and was developed.                    

Particular attention has been given to the future and comparisons made with the rest of Europe. To this end a study visit to The European Agency for Health and Safety at Work in Bilbao was made. Valuable information was gleaned as how to further hone the research work being carried out. 

This document contains the studies, pertaining to the three sectors, of university professors selected by the Province. The Local Health Authority has provided an introductory analysis of  the accidents in the Province of Livorno. 

The publication is intended for a wide ranging audience and can be used as a teaching tool in all training courses for health and safety at work, as well as providing useful information to all those concerned.


Claudio Frontera
President of the Province of Livorno