Progetto approvato
con D.D.R.T. 7772/2000
all'interno del



3.   Province of Livorno – Data and Analyses
3.1 Introduction
Typology and extent of the crops
Sales data 
Organization of the work within the farms 
The control system  
Research on the subject of safety and health  
Study projects
Productive systems and development directions of the territory
3.9 Phytopathological technical assistance

3.1      Introduction

During the past few years, the need to study plant protection products in-depth has been highlighted, collectively and uniformly dealing with the themes that concern phytosanitary products both in the environmental field and in the collective prevention field.

Health and environmental controls were activated in the past aimed at verifying compliance with current legislation, whose natural outcome consisted in the application of sanctions of an administrative or judicial nature.  Recent standards in both environmental circles and in health circles suggest inserting controls in a wider environment and health regulation plan.  The main objective is to obtain an updateable picture of the state of quality of the environment, of workers’ health and of the level of contamination of foodstuffs.

The structural aspects of the agricultural sector suggest considering the problems tied to the use of plant protection products as not strictly limited to workers.  In fact, it is an activity that is widespread over the territory, whose organizational and structural specificities are such as to discourage an automatic transposition of what is provided for by Law 626/94 for the other productive sectors.  In fact, worker exposure constitutes a risk factor limited to a small number of people.  If, however, we take into consideration the dispersion of the active principles in the environment and the presence of residuals in foodstuffs, the source of risk arrives at involving a much vaster universe that includes, with different intensity, all consumers.  The growing concern of public opinion regarding exposure to xenobiotic substances suggests, in fact, studying the health and environmental problems tied to the use of plant protection products in depth, with particular attention to agricultural production and environmental protection.

The study of the health problems tied to the use of plant protection products cannot leave out of consideration an in-depth knowledge of the reality of the territory and of the possible evolutions.  The most important factors are tied to the typology and to the extent of the crops, to the type and to the quantity of active substances used and to the organization of the work on the farms.

The introduction on the market of new molecules, together with the introduction of standards aimed at the development of ecocompatible agriculture, make the plant protection product sector one that is continuously changing.  The search for information is tied to the availability of numerous sources, often incomplete and, therefore, it is particularly difficult to reach definitive conclusions, thus this type of study should assume the value of a work in progress.

3.2     Typology and extent of the crops

The study of the diffusion of the crops and of their distribution over the territory should facilitate a forecast of the consumption of plant protection products; in order to evaluate the accuracy of the estimation method, the comparison with the consumption data recorded in typical areas would be necessary. 

 Table 3.1 – Farms, total area and area used, years 1990 and 2000*


n° of farms

Total area (ha)

Area used (ha)









% variations




*source ISTAT (Central Institute of Statistics), data from General Agriculture Census IV and V 

Table 3.2 – Allocation of the farm surface areas years 1990 and 2000*


Sowables (ha)

Fruit orchards cultivations (ha)

Permanent meadows and pastures









% variations




* source ISTAT (Central Institute of Statistics), data from General Agriculture Census IV and V 

These data were integrated during more detailed investigations such as the territorial coordination project and the provincial wine project 2001-2003.  The territorial coordination project provides for the grouping in classes of the main agricultural uses of the territory and the relative georeferencing; a land use map was produced starting from these data.  The legend was modified to highlight the agricultural systems to which a different level of environmental risk is connected, based on the system foreseen by the CORINE model (Figure 1).  Besides the urban areas, the forests and a grouping of extra-agricultural zones collectively called “other areas”, the following agricultural typologies were highlighted: sowables, pastures and olive groves; the vineyards and orchards were grouped in a single category. 

3.3            Sales data 

The Italian distribution system includes merchants, provincial farmers’ cooperatives and cooperatives.

In order to identify the problems on a local scale, one possible approach foresees the study of the sales data, from which to obtain with sufficient approximation the loads potentially distributed over the territory.  The surveys relative to the commerce of plant protection products over the entire national territory are made available from several sources. The SIAN, national agricultural information system, which is under the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry policies (MiPA), supplies data relative to the commerce of plant protection products and fertilizers.  The data are obtained and processed at the individual province level, subdivided by active principle.  The system takes advantage of the collaboration of the Phytopathology Institute of Rome for the organization and updating of a data bank relative to the products used on the national territory.

The ISTAT surveys start from the subdivision of plant protection products into categories, based on their effects (fungicides, insecticides, mite killers and herbicides) and by families (ex. inorganic, organic nitrogen, carbamates, phosphororganic).

Another data detection system is that of AGROFARMA (National Association of Plant Protection Product Businesses), an association of the sector that is part of Federchimica (National Federation of the Chemical Industry), which represents the Plant Protection Product sector businesses.  The registrations are carried out at a national level; the products are subdivided into four families: fungicides, herbicides, insecticides-mite killers and fumigants-nematocides.

The results presented at the general 2000 meeting of Agrofarma, in agreement with those produced by the “plant protection products” study group under ANPA, ARPA and APPA (respectively: National Agency for the Environment, Regional Agency for the Environment, Provincial Agency for the Environment) highlighted a general decrease in consumption at the national level.  This data can be interpreted by pointing out a reduction of the intensification of cultivation practices, tied both to the application of the European Community Directives and to the increase in biological farms.  On the other hand, the recent introduction of active principles, for which extremely reduced use dosages are foreseen, supplies another key for interpretation of the phenomenon.

The study on the commercialisation of plant protection products at the national level promoted by the ANPA-ARPA-APPA Plant Protection Products Working Group took its moves from the SIAN data relative to sales; the products were catalogued based on the registration number, product name and quantity used.  In order to select the substances of greatest interest, a risk score was realized based on the characteristics of the molecule and on the type of distribution.  Furthermore, the evaluation of the effects on man by direct route (exposure during treatment, acute and chronic toxicity, bioaccumulation) and by indirect route, through food and water, were kept in mind.

The results, extended to the entire national territory, constitute an interesting basis of study even though they do not allow identifying risk situations over the territory.

The study on the consumptions relative to the Province of Livorno was based on the SIAN data of the three-year period 1997-1998 gathered by the Regional Phytopathological Service of the Region of Tuscany.

The available material presented a series of problems.  In fact, the consumptions relative to each preparation are given in weight (for the product sold in powder form) or in volume (for the products sold in solution).  Furthermore, the quantities sold refer to the commercial products containing the active principle; therefore, it is not necessary to know the actual concentration of the molecule.  In order to make the elaboration possible, it was necessary to use some simplifications; the quantities sold were added without taking into account the density of the products.  It was then hypothesized that the substances sold in the province were used in the same territorial sphere.


Figures 3.2 and 3.3 – The plant protection product market in the province of Livorno.  Elaboration of the data of the three-year period 1997-1999.  Data source: Regional Observatory of Plant Diseases.

Figures 3.2 and 3.3 show the consumption of plant protection products in the province, elaborated starting with the SIAN data.  The products have been catalogued by activity and the quantities have been expressed in t.  A varied and complex market was highlighted by type, number and quantity of the products sold; during the three-year observation period, 255 different molecules were marketed, the majority of which ascribable to the herbicide category (33%) and to the insecticide category (31%).  Not all of the active principles have the same market weight; the total annual consumption is attributable in large part (41%) to the fungicide category.  Considering the individual substances in detail, the 20 products to which the greatest sales volume corresponds have been identified (Table 3). 

Table 3.3 – Plant Protection Products Market in the Province of Livorno, the twenty most sold active principles

Active principle


% of the total

% of the category

Copper oxychloride








Methyl bromide

Combined activity







Copper hydroxide








Copper sulphate




























2,4 D




Mineral oil








Aluminum phosphide




Condensed nonylphenyl





This classification offers interesting cues for setting up control plans aimed at the territorial realities.  The objective difficulty in extending the analysis of the residuals to a high number of active principles suggests, in fact, the need to carry out specific analyses.

The high consumption of products of high quantitative incidence like sulphur and copper destined preferentially to grapevines and to vegetable crops in general, whose sales volume corresponds to 19% of the total sales, corresponds to the typical Mediterranean agriculture picture.

As far as the other product categories are concerned, the high consumption of methyl bromide, whose ascertained toxicity has led to the adoption of restrictive measures while awaiting the total prohibition of use, is worrisome. 

3.4      Organization of the work within the farms 

The type of organization of the farms plays an important role; depending on the size of the farm and on the number of employees, several work-planning models are configured.  We go from situations in which the burden of the treatments is reserved to part of the personnel and others in which it is divided up among different subjects.  The typology of the Livornese farms, whose average size is not much larger than 20 ha of surface area used, with an average of 8.8 ha of surface area used per work unit, leaves us to presume that the second model is the most widespread.

The study relative to the farms of the northernmost cities of the province (Livorno and Collesalvetti) highlighted the elevated diffusion of farms with a reduced number of employees.  A single employee was declared for 30% of the farms and the percentage rises to 66% if we collectively consider the farms with fewer than two employees. 

3.5      The control system  

Control in regard to sales and use of plant protection products

The DM (Minister’s Decree) of 20 July 1987 constitutes an attempt to make the market and the application of plant protection products visible.  It contains indications relative to the establishment of the country register and to the chemical products purchase form, with the double purpose of making farmers more aware of the problems related to the use of pesticides and of activating a registration system on a territorial scale.

The application of this control system was postponed by subsequent ministerial ordinances; a similar registration system was activated with EEC regulation 2078/92, limited to the farms that adopted it.  The Regional Pluriannual Implementation Program of the region of Tuscany provides for the rationalization of the use of chemical products, especially of fertilizers and plant protection products.

DPR (Decree by the President of the Republic) 290/2001 has recently recovered the principle of registration extended to all farms, establishing the treatment register.  This is a registration and control system that is must less complex than the country register, which imposes the keeping of a register of the treatments carried out, with indications relative to the crops concerned, to the dates of the main operations of cultivation technique and to the phenologic phases of the crop.

The supervision system

In the absence of treatment registration apparatus, the present health and environmental supervision system is tied to control structures that operate downstream, on the health of workers and on the presence of residuals, both in the different environmental sectors and in the food sectors.

The supervision system must be closely tied to the territorial reality; in fact, the products used differ from area to area depending on the crops present, on the protection techniques and on the commercial distribution network.  The decrees aimed at limiting the use of some active principles on some crops contribute to complicating the picture (DM 22.1.98 “Maximum limits of residuals of active substances of plant protection products allowed in products destined for foodstuffs”).

The planning of the controls must be carefully looked after, beginning from the sector of interest and from the selection of the potentially used active substances and of their main metabolites.

The direct control on man should place biological monitoring, presently little applied because of the high costs and operational difficulties, side by side with the objective examination.

In order to get a more complete picture, it would be necessary to carry out indirect controls on the environment and on the operator’s work clothing.

Health control

The registration of new molecules foresees a long and complex experimentation procedure, aimed at evaluating their toxic effects, based above all on experiments carried out on laboratory animals (Law 194/95).  The products’ toxicity level is in fact related to experiments carried out generally on rats; the results show the lethal amounts through the skin, orally and through inhalation.  The main criticisms made against this system point out the different behaviour of organisms of distinct species with respect to contact with xenobiotic substances.  This methodology does not allow showing the long-term harmful effects, which are difficult to measure in the laboratory; furthermore, the possible synergistic effects tied to the use of several substances are often overlooked.  It should be recalled that the exposure of the operator in the field can be very different than that theorized during the product registration phase.  In fact, the effects on human health of some molecules are still little known; experimental evidence has verified the toxic effects of the metabolites of substances that are harmless by themselves or whose toxicity is limited.  The present systems of control of workers are capable of highlighting acute poisonings, while it is more difficult to evaluate the long-term effects and especially the cancerogenous properties.

Consulting the works of different authors, it is possible to find discordant results with regard to the persistence of the active principles.  Sometimes quite different results are noted; the application of these values to simulation models can lead to conclusions that are very different from each other.

The main problems encountered in the sphere of epidemiological studies are ascribable to the difficulty in identifying the chronically exposed subjects and to the need to estimate the cumulative effects of the numerous active principles that the workers use during their working life.  Epidemiological studies are often inadequate to verify the association between exposure and disease.

Occupational diseases

The occupational diseases connected to the use of plant protection products have the liver, the respiratory tract and the skin as the main target organs.  The control can be carried out directly and indirectly and can also concern individual molecules or groups of similar molecules, both as such and as regards their metabolites.

The statistics produced by INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Industrial Injuries) sometimes furnish data that are difficult to interpret.  The data relative to occupational diseases in the agricultural sphere recorded in the five-year period 1997-2001 indicate a total number of pathologies that is still lower than 1000 and highlight a significant decrease in the last year of the study (Table 4). 

Table 3.4 – Occupational diseases in agriculture, data for the five-year period 1997-2001









National total







Much space is reserved for the occupational diseases tied to the use of chemical products, quite 72% of the possible pathologies foreseen.  The results relative to the five-year period 1997-2001 highlight in any case a very reduced number of reports that are certainly attributable to chronic poisonings.

Figure 3.4 – Occupational diseases in agriculture, data relative to the five-year period 1997-2001

The regions of Tuscany and Lombardy have recently set up a new cognitive instrument capable of identifying with greater precision the diseases correlated to work starting with the data supplied by the territorial prevention services.  This study will be extended later on to the entire national territory within the sphere of the National Epidemiological Supervision System.  In general terms, the supervision system foresees the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of health data.  The system contemplates the involvement of the workers, who will be informed periodically of the data collected.  The final link of the chain is constituted by the application of these data to the prevention and control operation.

The experiment carried out up to this point has already suggested some integrations for the model, which should arrive at containing further information in the database, both in order to keep better account of the multifactorial diseases (for example, the presence of risk factors outside of work) and for the codification of possible confusion factors (cigarette smoke, physiological conditions present at the same time, etc.).  The different pathologies have been traced back to 33 main categories, but no confirmation has been found for any of them due to agricultural activity operations.

Industrial injuries

The present system includes under the same code the accidents that take place in agriculture, in the food industry and in activities similar to agriculture.  The statistics also take into account all of the accidents tied to the use of plant protection products outside of the sphere of agriculture (disinfestation of facilities and warehouses).  The information sources come from the occupational medicine service of the competent USL centres (Local Health Centres); they can also be supplemented with the first aid reports of the hospitals that fall within the area of interest and possibly of the State Police.  The number of reports is generally very low; as an example, we can cite the 8 and the 13 accidents reported respectively in 2001 and in the first nine months of 2002 to the Livorno area USL.  This data includes all of the accidents that occurred in the agricultural sector.

In the absence of reports, which are extremely rare or even nonexistent, the USL centres present in the province of Livorno carried out investigations on a sample basis.

Environmental control

The study of the effect of plant protection products on the environment is essential both for the registration of new active substances and for the evaluation of the long-term effects in defined ecosystems.  The research in this sector is relatively recent.  The introduction of analytical instruments capable of determining quantities lower than micrograms (gas chromatography, gas-mass) has overturned the previous convictions, according to which the microbe community in the soil was able to completely degrade the molecules of xenobiotic substances.  The presence of plant protection products was recently included in the list of soil quality indicators, also because it constitutes a groundwater risk factor.  The operation of small farming activities was recognized as a main source of pollution of shallow or deep waters, stimulating the interest of the European Union, which defined the maximum residual limits for shallow waters (Directive 80/68) and for deep waters (Directive 75/440).  At the local level, the Tuscan ARPAT laboratories activated a control system beginning from the second half of the ‘80’s, when the finding of high quantities of Atrazine in the waters determined one of the first Italian environmental emergencies.  The sampling plans, aimed at identifying the weight of these pollutants, considered widespread sources of contamination, took account of the use of the soil and of the associated agricultural practices, of the presence of groundwater and of the chemical characteristics of the molecules.

Given the variety of molecules present on the market and the influence of numerous variables such as climate, morphology, soil science, physical-chemical-biological characteristics and cultivation system, it is especially difficult to carry out efficient monitoring at reasonable costs.

The search for residuals must be directed in the various environmental sectors; the volatility of numerous molecules suggests extending the controls to water, air and soil even in areas that are distant from the area of use.

The extreme vulnerability of water resources has directed the search for residuals in the water sector; the updating of analytical techniques and of the normative control pictures has also allowed highlighting groundwater pollution.

It is believed that the methods presently in use are capable of singling out only a percentage (25%) of the known molecules.  The analysis system prepared by ARPAT of Livorno allows identifying 85 different active principles.

The control of foodstuffs

The Ministry of Health coordinates the control and supervision activity for the purpose of protecting public health.  The USL centres and the ARPATs are involved in the control of foods of vegetable origin, the experimental zooprophylactic institutes instead deal with foods of animal origin.  The decree of 23 December 1992 establishes the minimum number of controls that must be carried out annually by the Regional Public Health Services.  The Ministry of Health will directly take care of processing of the results.

The latest pluriannual plan for supervision and control of foods and beverages is contained in the Regional Deliberation relative to the three-year period 2001-2003 of 22 January 2001 (Table 5). 

Table 3.5 – System of supervision on foods established by Deliberation 46 of the Region of Tuscany (22 January 2002).  Minimum number of samples to be subjected to control for the Province of Livorno

























The program relative to plant protection products foresees a reduction in the number of samples annually destined for analyses and a parallel development of new analytical methods.  In fact, the continuous introduction of new active principles on the market (33 in the three-year period 1998-2000) makes the continuous updating of the analysis methods essential.

The sampling system should guarantee the maximum representativeness of the samples; for this purpose it is appropriate to select the sites and periods for taking the samples.  The choice of the matrices to be analysed should be based on warning reports and on considerations of hygienic-sanitary interest, keeping in mind the characteristic crops of each territorial sphere.

The National Plan for the Integrated Phytopathological Fight of 1992 foresees the establishment of a national network for monitoring residuals in fruit and vegetable products and in agroalimentary products.  Other official structures play an active part on the subject of the control of foodstuffs.  The Central Department for the Repression of Fraud (ICRF of the MiPA) is an institution in charge of the prevention of infractions in the preparation and trade of agroalimentary products.  The SIAN (National Agricultural Information System) carries out a wide support action in the processing of the data and of the information produced by the ICRF in order to protect consumers.  The Office for the Prevention of the Adulteration of Beverages and Foodstuffs of the Carabinieri Service (NAS) carry out a prevention and repression activity on food fraud, verifying compliance with national and community regulations.  On the industrial front, Agrofarma is active; in fact, in 1996, the National Observatory on Residuals of Plant Protection Products (ONR) was established with the objective of integrating the service carried out by both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies on the subject consumer risk evaluation.

In the province of Livorno, a control system capable of identifying 71 different pesticides on various matrices was activated.  The data from the past years highlight a very small number of samples in which residuals were found (Table 6). 

Table 3.6 – Search for plant protection product residuals, data relative to the Province of Livorno, two-year period 2000-2001.  Source ARPAT – Provincial Department of Livorno 



Total samples tested

Positive samples (residuals present)

Samples with residuals <limit

Samples with residuals >limit

















































* cereals, wine, oil, preserves 

The data shown in the table highlight the scarcity of samples with residuals greater than the legal limits, still less than 1% of the samples tested (0.43% for 2000 and 0.086% for 2001).  The samples that were totally free from residuals represent 81% and 84% of the samples tested, respectively, for 2000 and 2001.  These results could be interpreted as direct consequences of the reduction in the use of plant protection products or of improved compliance with the amounts and systems of use.  On the other hand, such a discouraging result could be caused by the impossibility of carrying out specific tests due to the introduction of new molecules or to the lack of specific data relative to the sample.

Regarding the type of control, it is interesting to note that the molecules detected in the samples are not found on the list of the plant protection products sold most in the provincial territory.  The control carried out at the moment of sale imposes the use of tests of the “multiresidual” type able to highlight a vast number of substances.  In fact, at the moment of distribution, it is impossible to know the agronomic history of the crop and, with this, the type of contamination risk of the foodstuffs. 

3.6            Research on the subject of safety and health  

Research on the subject of the toxicity of parasiticides is carried out by various universities, by some Italian USL centres and by Study Centres of the CNR (National Research Council).  Furthermore, the International Centre for Parasiticides and Health Prevention, with office in Busto Garolfo (Milano), was recently established.  The main activities concern information and documentation on the toxicity of parasiticides for man and for the environment and epidemiological, toxicological and clinical research on the effects of parasiticides on man.

Studies relative to occupational exposure in agricultural environments have highlighted the problems of cutaneous contamination, often prevalent with respect to contamination through inhalation.  For this purpose, maps of the cutaneous absorption of different active principles have been prepared, which have given interesting indications.  Studies conducted in the laboratory have allowed quantifying the epidermic accumulation, though highlighting the difficulty of correlating the data obtained from in vitro experiments with real data.

In regard to human health, the study of new indicators should allow evaluating as best as possible the effects of exposure where the application of the traditional indicators, prepared for other sectors, has not had the expected results, given the poor sensitivity and specificity.  Recent research projects have highlighted the effectiveness of the macromolecular adducts and of the indicators of immune system functionality, capable of highlighting the effects of prolonged exposures.

Experiments carried out in the greenhouse have led to the development of methods for the determination of residuals on work clothing, evaluating the level of exposure tied to the realization of the different cultivation practices.

Full field experiments have highlighted the importance of setting up suitable sampling plans that take into account the preferential penetration routes of pesticides.  The results of experimental projects carried out on farm workers during cultivation operations have been given in the literature.  For the purpose of verifying the areas of greatest contact with the distributed pesticides, operators were equipped with special cotton pads for dermatic monitoring and devices for monitoring volatile substances (ex. filters to apply to the mask).  The cotton pads were analysed at the end of the treatment.  At the same time, the biological monitoring and the testing of the residuals on the treated crops were carried out. 

3.7      Study projects 

Several study projects on plant protection products have been activated in the past years; we cite two of them as an example.

The Special Project. Prevention in the use of parasiticides in agriculture

Underway in the Region of Lombardy, it foresees the realization of the following actions:

·         verification of the interventions in progress on farms relative to the risks from parasiticides

·         gathering of the data relative to parasiticide sales

·         execution of studies on exposure to parasiticides

·         use of new indicators for biological monitoring of exposure

·         epidemiological supervision of acute poisonings from plant protection products

·         identification of vulnerable areas for percolation

The basic objectives of the project are:

·         the monitoring of the application of Law 626/94

·         the construction of the sample of farms for subsequent investigations

·         the putting into effect of the use control plan


The Project of the Region of Liguria

The Region of Liguria has adopted a regional plan of official control relative to the trade and use of plant protection products and of control of residuals of plant protection products in foodstuffs for the years 2000-2001.  The plan was prepared in compliance with Directive 91/414/CE, which is based on the planning of the control activities on trade and use and promotes the exchange of information between European Union member states.

An interdisciplinary working group was established; from the point of view of the practical realization of collective prevention, representatives of several agencies were involved:

·         Regional Department of Agriculture

·         Regional Health Department

·         Department of Agricultural Functions

·         Departments of Prevention of the AA.SS.LL

·         Department of Fraud Repression

·         Health Service Carabinieri, N.A.S. of Genova,

·         Public and Veterinary Hygiene Service of the Region of Liguria.

Control relative to trade and use was entrusted to the Departments of Prevention of the AA.SS.LL.s.  The periodicity of the inspections of warehouses and of sales practices was established.

Controls in the field are foreseen during and after use to verify compliance with the instructions given on the label; after use for verification of the reentry times and of the safety interval.  The AA.SS.LL.s must identify the species cultivated on the largest area and concentrate the controls on these.

The periodic controls concern both the general state of health of the users and the compliance with the current laws regarding temporary licence and the suitability of the personal protection means.

At the farm level, verification of the suitability of the machines and of the rooms destined for storing phytosanitary products is foreseen.  Furthermore, the disposal of waste, of residuals and of the products for transformation of the phytosanitary products is also controlled.

Monitoring of the various environmental matrices (water, air, soil) is foreseen in order to verify the presence of phytosanitary product residuals.  

3.8      Productive systems and development directions of the territory

Observation of the main productive principles and of the technical service directions should allow foreseeing the developments relative to the use of plant protection products on a local scale.


The Livornese viticulture sector is supported with economic subsidies and tax relief for entrepreneurs both because of its function as a presidium of the territory and because of the Italian and foreign market demand.  The export of Tuscan wine represents 16% of the national one in value and 7% in quantity.  From the environmental point of view, it is believed that the agronomic interventions of care and maintenance of the vineyard help contain hydrogeologic degradation, improving rural areas that are presently marginal.  The cultivation conversion is foreseen above all in the three provincial Controlled Denomination of Origin (DOC) areas: Bolgheri, Val di Cornia and Elba, with a view towards improvement in the productions.  Comparison of the data of 1990 with those of 2000 already highlights a consistent increase in surface area in the three zones. 

Table 3.7 – Surface area planted in grapes in the DOC areas of the Province of Livorno (ha)



Val di Cornia


















*datum 1986 of development foreseen by

**maximum surface area according to the 2001-2003provincial wine-growing plan  

The Agrofarma statistics estimate that 100% of Italian vineyards uses phytosanitary products.  Given the still limited diffusion of biological viticulture, we assume that the increases in the surface area destined for growing grapevines will determine a parallel increase in the use of chemical products, especially copper and sulphur based fungicides, moreover already included among the twenty most sold products in the province (Table 3).

Vegetable growing

The production of full field vegetable crops is concentrated in the south of the province.  Some crops are widespread and guarantee a high % of the entire regional product, 37.7%, 31.7% and 80%, respectively, for tomato, spinach and artichoke, during the three-year period 1995-1997.  Biological production represents a growing but still marginal reality.  Even though a future reduction of chemical inputs tied to the sector is foreseeable, large variations are not foreseen over the short term.  The surface areas relative to three crops among the most widespread over the provincial territory are shown in the table. 

Table 3.8 – Vegetable growing in the province of Livorno.  Surface areas destined for the main crops
























*source: ISTAT data, **source on INEA and Region of Tuscany IRPET data, ISTAT data 

Biological agriculture

The European Community provisions for encouraging environment compatible farm practices in the sensitive areas foreseen are creating growing interest in farm operators in the Province of Livorno, thanks also to the generalized increase in the demand for biological products. 

Table 3.9 – Biological operators in the Province of Livorno, data updated to 6/30/01

Biological operators

Operators under conversion

Mixed operators






The Provincial Services Plan provides advice “on the defence techniques related to the biological method” for these operators.

3.9  Phytopathological technical assistance

The indications in regional law 3/8/2001 concerning agricultural and rural development led to the drawing up of a Provincial Services Plan.  One of its main objectives is the reduction of the ecologic imprint, which can be carried out through the increase in agricultural techniques that have a low environmental impact.  In regard to vegetable crops, two types of basic technical assistance are proposed called, respectively, “high intensity” and “low intensity”.

The high intensity phytopathological assistance service foresees:

  • periodic monitoring of the state of health of the crops
  • advice on the active principles to be used and on the relative dosages
  • advice on the procedures to be used to reduce dispersion of the product

·         advice on the alternative defence methods, also in relation to the research inputs coming from ARSIA (Regional Agency for Development and Innovation in Agriculture)

  • normative advice relative to the field of phytosanitary defence

The services called “Production line assistance for the olive and grapevine sectors” and “Technical assistance relative to particular productive sectors: vegetable-growing, fruit-growing, plant-growing, floriculture” provide advice relative to the correct use of plant protection products.