Progetto approvato
con D.D.R.T. 7772/2000
all'interno del




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We would like to thank the Azienda USL n.6, the ARPAT Provincial Division of Livorno, the Regional Phytosanitary Service of the Region of Tuscany, the Provincial Administration of Livorno, and the Hospital Corporation of Pisa– Work Medicine Section.

Special thanks go to Ms. Lucia Androni, Mr. Federico Bracciotti, Dr. Elio Caira, Mr. Michele Cimmino, Dr. Donatella Lami, Dr. Annamaria Loi, Ms. Luciana Marsi Ciurli, Prof. Franco Ottenga, Dr. Guido Spinelli, Dr. Paolo Teglia, Dr. Danilo Zuccherelli and to Mr. Vincenzo Zummo.