Progetto approvato
con D.D.R.T. 7772/2000
all'interno del



1.1 Introduction
Law and tehnical rules
The Directive 92/57/CEE related to the minimum safety and health regulations to be carried out in      
     temporarily and movable yards

Outlines to the responsibilities of the involved subjects: costumer, safety coordinators,and contractor
The safety planning and the safety and coordination plan
The file
The coordination of the safety in the works execution phase

1.1 Introduction

The matter of safety in working places is an argument of great topical interest also at international level and is object of national and european rules, about which international conventions have been arranged and several issues made. The problems involved have not yet found long term solutions in our Country in spite of all.

Above all safety in the building field it seems so far to be still inedequate, even if during the last ten years, both at national and european level, the legislator has issued a high number of legislative instruments.    

In Italy, the building field, together with the agricultural one, counts the sad record of death accidents, reaching an average of 4 accidents a day.

The problems and the lacks of relevant elements on health and safety, mainly correlated to the planning and the management phases of safety in the building field, personally checked by the authors as people engaged for years both in the research, the formation and the professional experience, can be summarized as follows:

·         Lack of safety education consolidated at every level. In the majority of  cases, people involved (costumers, designers, companies) during the whole project span, from planning to construction, management and maintenance, underestimate and/or do not consider that the safety must be one of the project inputs.

Today, ten years after the issue of the Directive 92/57/CEE, concerning the minimal safety rules to be carried out in temporarily and movable yards, something is slowly changing, even if slackened by bureaucratic and procedural obstacles.

·         Purely formal fulfilment of the Law rules, without promoting substantial changes in the way of working. This concept mainly applies to the issuing of safety plans, either by the safety coordinators in the planning phase or by the companies, which are due to issue the safety operative plans according with the rules of L.D. 528/99.

In pratice the safety and coordination plans, which must go together with the project, are a simple collection of standard legislative and operative rules. They are borrowed from the sectorial literature and do not take in consideration the actual problems of the yard relevant to the project choices.

·         To consider the safety as an additional charge that does not justify the investment in terms of human and economic resources.

This matter applies both to commitments and to companies.

To establish acceptable safety levels during the works execution phase means the use of human resources (safety coordinator and possible assistants, safety responsibles of the involved companies during the works, workers trainers, etc) that must assure a constant presence in the yard. Moreover the scheduling of the works must consider the safety aspects, avoiding the occurring of dangerous situations caused by possible superimposition of space and/or time of single works.

1.2 Law and tehnical rules

At present, in Italy the reference regulations for planning, management and costs of the securety in yards are the following:

·         Law 11.02.1994, n. 109 Law concerning public works.

·         L.D. 19.9.1994 n. 626 Requirements conformity 83/391/CEE, 89/654/CEE, 89/655/CEE, 89/656/CEE, 90/269/CEE, 90/270/CEE, 90/394/CEE e 90/679/CEE concerning the surety and workers health improvement in the working places.

·         L.D. 17.3.95 n. 157 Requirements conformity 92/50/CEE for public tender of service.

·         L.D. 14.8.96 n. 494 Requirements of conformity 92/57/CEE relevant the minimum safety and health rules to be carried out in temporarily and movable yards.

In addition to the community and national legislative corpus there are the so-called technical regulations, i.e. guide lines, operative instructions, good technology rules, drawn up, among the other international bodies, by the international body of standardization (ISO) and translated in single countries by national bodies. In Italy this activity is carried out by UNI, national body of technology regulations.

Among the national technical regulations are mentioned the UNI EN ISO, series 9000, referring to "Quality management systems" and the UNI EN ISO series 14000 referring to "Environmental management systems"

As far as the security management is concerned in the international range, most of all in Anglo-Saxon culture countries, there are specifical technical rules.

For example:

·         English rules OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) series 18000,

·         Australian rules series AS/NZS 4804:1997 OHSMS (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) "General guidelines on principles, systems ad supporting techniques” and AS/NZS 4801:2000 OHSMS (Occupational health and Safety Management System); "Specification with guidance for use".

In addition to the above list, it is worthwhile underlining some procedural problems because the provisions included in the rules created, during the years of their application, some problems and confusion to the involved subjects.

First the “Yard Directive”, which will be deeply illustrated in the following paragraph, faces the safety topic in yards in a concrete way without distinguishing between public and private works, as the Italian legislator made in the Decree 494/96 unfortunately.

Moreover such a Decree which, in its first edition, provided the issue of two or more safety plans by the coordinator, led to mix up the security planning conception with the securety plan drafting conception.

The practice is to elaborate standard documents usually absolutely not adhering to the plan and therefore substantially inadequate as we mentioned in the introduction of this work.

On the contrary the “Directive” prescribed the issue of only one safety plan related to the project to be carried out.

Also with reference to the management of the security coordination during the execution, the experience shows that the safety Coordinator during the works execution, is not considered as a man whose duty is mainly to prevent dangers. He is considered the appointed person to note the reality in the yard, by pointing out the anomalies, instead of carrying out an active coordination work among all the involved subjects, taking preventive measures in the yard.   

On the contrary, the “Directive”, from the preambles, establishes that security in yards must be pursued and safeguarded both operating in advance, and therefore during the study and layout of a project, and in the execution phase, by granting a precise activities coordination of the people working in the yard.

This part of the work, related to the guide lines of safety in the building field, is divided in different paragraphs facing the above mentioned themes. Specific indications are given and procedures proposed to face the theme of safety in the yards, in order to spread the safety culture by means of aimed actions such as:

·         to clarify the duties and the responsibilities of the involved subjects precisely,

·         to promote, as much as possible, the drafting of qualitative safety plans, that is in agreement with the project and with a clear and punctual content,

·         to have elaborated propaedeutical documents for the execution of the coordination activities of safety (i.e. the coordinator work plan).

1.3 The Directive 92/57/CEE related to the minimum safety and health regulations to be carried out in temporarily and movable yards.

The directive summarizes in its notes the reasons that caused its issue; but the carrying out decree did not incorporated them [1] , unfortunately omitting a very useful part for the understanding of the aims of the planning and coordination activities of safety.

The most significant preambles are:

·         to consider that the temporary and movable yards are an activity sector that exposes workers to particularly high risks;

·         to consider that not suitable architectural and/or organizational choices or a inadeguate plan of the works at the project time affected more than the half of the work accidents in the yards of the Community;

·         to consider that, while carrying out a work, a lack in the coordination particularly caused by the simultaneous or subsequent presence of different companies in the same temporarily or movable yard can cause a high number of work accidents;

·         to consider that it is necessary a strengthening of the coordination among the various operators both from the planning of the project and at the moment of the work execution.

The fulfilment of the duties concerning to costumer, the contractor and the coordinators for the safety in the planning and execution phase of the works specified in the provision and in the execution decree, implies the necessity to lay out an effective system of management of the different activities.

A great emphasis is given to the coordination of the people involved during the planning phase and to the companies working in the yard. A good management capacity allows a real coordination aimed to the reaching of high performances for the safety of all the involved people.

In practice, particularly in case of works of small amounts, the management activity seems to be short or almost completely absent, by restricting the security coordination to the purely formal fulfilment of the law: appointment of persons and issue of the provided documentation, among which the safety and coordination plan.

This way of operating, so spread in the building field, is caused both by the lack of a safety culture, as pointed out in the paragraph 1.1, and to the trend to underestimate the effectiveness of the instruments offered by committing the whole problem to the capacity of acting.

The methodology of the forming-informing of the involved subjects in a specific planning and productive process, proposed by the so-called mother Decree (89/386)  that gives the general planning and management concepts for the safety to be applied to every productive sector and recalled both by the L.D. 626/94 and by 494/96 and following modifications, constitutes one of the foundation point for the birth of the safety culture.

1.4 Outlines to the responsibilities of the involved subjects: costumer, safety coordinators, and contractor

The main news introduced by the L.D. 494/96 refer to the transfer from the contractor to the costumer of the responsibility of the safety planning issue and their preparation in the work plan phase and anyhow before of the tender request.

The planning phase is defined by the decree as a critical one because such activity assumes that the architectonic and/or organizational choices are defined and the temporary scheduling relevant to those choices arranged. 

To have made not suitable choices and/or to have a short planning means a dangerous situation for the executive phase. As a proof of the correlation cause-effect between planning and accidents, the decree specifies that lacks and planning mistakes in the planning and coordination determined more than one half of accidents on the work in the yards of the Community.

a) The custumer

Art. 3 of L.D. 494/96 and following modifications refers to the costumer or works responsible duties, particularly specifying that:

·          in the planning phase of the work ( the costumer or the works responsible) ...follows the general concepts and steps for the protection relevant to art. 3 of L.D. 636/94..... The costumer or the works responsible foresees the term of such works or work phases in the plan.

·         during the planning phase, the costumer or the works responsible, considers the documents relevant to art. 4, subparagraph 11, letters a) and b) (The documents are the safety and coordination plans and the pamphlet).

·          in case the presence of more companies is expected, even if not simultaneously, the costumer or the works responsible at the same time of entrusting with the planning assignment, appoints the planning coordinator.........

The recent L.D. 528/99 introduced a very important modification: it deals with planning and no more with executive planning in fact.

Therefore, even in case of contract-competition, i.e. bidding based on a final project, the custumer can appoint the planning coordinator.

As alternative the custumer could appoint the contractor as works responsible delegating to him the duties provided for by article 3.  However recent amendments introduced a further bond: in fact it is specified that in case of public works the works responsible, if appointed, must be the same person who takes care of the execution. Therefore the appointment of the contractor as works responsible does not seem correct any more.

The problem seems very complicated and the reader is asked to refer to juridical tests in order to understand correctly this further provision.

b) The planning coordinator

The planning coordinator must issue or have somebody issued the safety and coordination plan and he must arrange the pamphlet.

The requirements for this professional figure are specified in art. 10 of  L.D. 494/9. Already several times and under different circumstances it has been underlined that the necessary experiences for the execution of the safety planning activity, not converted in a simply drafting of a standard document of risks analysis and estimation, cannot be restricted to the requirements requested by law.  In fact such planning activity must be started and developed with the help of all the experts who are involved in the process and together with the coordinator.

Therefore it will be desirable that the custumer, if a public one in the tender documents, if a private one in the disciplinary appointment drafts, determines the further requirements for the coordinator that must originate from the specific project characteristics and considers the professional people upon the further qualifications.

The law does not forbid to the same planner, provided that he is qualified under art. 10, to be also appointed as coordinator.

However it is deemed useful to keep the two professional figures divided because an independent coordinator can practice either a propositive duty and a checking and inspective action on the project contents relevant to the safety (equipment choice, building techniques, activities planning, etc.).

c) The contractor

Before the validity of the L.D. 494/96, the duty of the safety plan drafting, relevant to the public tenders, belonged to the contractor according to what prescribed in the law n. 55/90, art. 18, subparagraph 8. 

With the decree of execution of the provision 92/57/CEE the responsibility is given to the custumer and the safety plan must be issued also for private works.

The L.D. 528/99 introduces a further plan, already foreseen by law 109/94: the operative safety plan, so determined in letter f-ter, art. 2 subparagraph. 1: “operative safety plan”: the document that the costumer of the contractor company issues, relevant to the involved yard, according to art. 4 of the provision 19/9/94 n. 626 and following modifications.

1.5 The safety planning and the safety and coordination plan

At first the risks involved in the works phases relevant to the execution of a work must be underlined and faced in the planning phase, by possibly eliminating them at their beginning, as on the other part prescribed by provision 57/92/CEE that at art. 4 states: "Works planning, general principles":

In the planning, study and elaboration phases of work plan, the general principles for the prevention relevant to the safety and health foreseen in the provision 89/391/CEE are taken in consideration by the works manager and, in case, by the custumer, in particular: (i) at the moment of the architectural, technical and/ organizational choices in order to plan the various works or work phases that will be carried out simultaneously of subsequently; (ii) at the moment of the forecast of the execution time of these works or work phases.

From the cooperation between the planner and the coordinator in the planning phase a project must start and it must be a safe one under the terms of:

·         location and organization of the yard,

·         use of equipment and choice of building techniques and form,

·         safety equipment of the works to be used during the maintenance phase

The criteria that will be used by the planner in the planning phase to select the architectural choices, with respect to the safeguard of the workers safety in the yards and those to mitigate the risks arising from the working activities, must be detailed in a special file that will be part of the project general report.

The risks that it has not been possible to eliminate at the planning phase must be analyzed and underlined in the safety and coordination plan drawn by the plan coordinator.

Herebelow some preliminary indications to be used for the safety and coordination plan drafting in order to underline how such a document requires specific competence and knowledge to be drawn up.

The safety and coordination plan

The safety and coordination plan must contain a general section in which it shall be mentioned:

·         the name of the costumer and of the Execution Responsible, with the relevant addresses, phone and fax numbers in order to have an easy contact;

·         the name of the Planner/s, with the relevant address (including the e-mail one, if available) and the phone and fax numbers;

·         the location of the specific areas object of works, with particular attention to the approaching ways from the main traffic routes close-by;

·         the references to all the preliminary documents for the execution eventually drawn by the Administration and relevant to the safety aims.

The safety plan will include the analysis of the contest in which are inserted the works (meant either as properly called yard areas or as outside environment), with reference to:

·         types of the activitie that are carried out on the matter,

·         existing road and pedestrian ways,

·         accessibility to the yard area,

·         definition of particular, provisional and protective works that the planner will  deem necessary for the protection of  people and vehicles not relevant to the yard,

·         obligations (temporal, logistic, etc) to be considered, both in the yard organization and in the carrying out of the building activities.

The safety plan must include a scheme of details relevant to the specific items to be considered, with reference to the inside and outside environment of the yard, according to the following indications:

a) Peculiar bonds and risks of the inside environment of the yard:

·         localization of the infrastructure and of the probable aerial electric lines (refers also to the thematic documents, relevant to the areas object of the works);

·         possible presence of war residuates;

·         reference to the documents stating the researches made on the grounds;

·         possible bonds to be considered in the definition of the roads, either suitable for vehicles  and pedestrians;

·         possible bonds relevant to the spaces and times for the supply of equipment and goods.

b) Peculiar bonds and risks of the outside environment of the yard:

·         determination of the risks to which the yard could expose the surrounding environment particularly relevant to the possible presence of buildings with structural problems, productive and commercial activities, public buildings.

·         determination of the risks caused by: excavations and hearth moving,  soil and water contamination, dust emission, smokes, noises;

·         definition of traffic, vehicles and pedestrian road conditions, prohibited area to heavy vehicles, areas to be possibly assigned to the yard vehicle parking and/or loading, unloading area, provisional store for yard equipment (if necessary).

For the work activity or phase that according to the planner involves risks that it has not been possible to eliminate during the planning phase, as alternative solutions have not been found that are workable and /or satisfying, the safety plan must specify:

·         way of safe execution of particular work phase deduced from the project;

·         definition of the prevention and protection measures to be adopted to the common ones;  

·         determination, if possible, of particular planning solutions to be considered by the costumer. As a simple explanation some solutions could be: setting up of operative proceedings for high risk works; planning of “ad hoc” common protections; necessity to train people to the execution of such activities with the help of experts.

The requirements for the works coordination for the safety must be set up since the safety plan drafting and in a special section all the duties of the costumer must be specified:

·         a document relevant to the management by the costumer of the companies and/or the independent workers that entered the yard. Among the others, the following matters must be deal:

-                     safety measures to be adopted to avoid the entrance in the yard of non- authorized people;

-         emergency measures to be adopted in case of danger and people to be contacted;

-         possible specific orders that the costumer must issue for the staff management;

·         typology of documents that the costume will give to the Coordinator for the execution (scheme for the approval of operative safety plans of the subcontractors; registers for the filing of the data relevant to the safety with kind and number of accidents, recording of the anomalies and possible infringements found in the vigilance body, etc.)

·         a list of the activities and documents that the Coordinator for the execution will have respectively to develop and produce.

1.6 The file

The file is the document that contains the useful information to prevent and protect from the risks which they are exposed, the workers during the carrying out of the working activities following to the execution of the works.

The file does not consider the ordinary maintenance interventions, for which, according to the safety, the disposition contained in the relevant provisions, at present in force, applies (particularly in L.D. 626/94 and following modifications.

The content of the file must reflect, not only the minimum requisites requested by L.D. 494/96 (Art.4, subparagraph b) and enclosure II to the document UE 260/5/93).

In case of complicated works and with reference to the necessity to find all the technical documentation (graphic elaborates, technical specification of equipment, maintenance manuals, etc.) that will be available during the works, it would be proper that the safety coordinator, during the planning phase, prepares a document that consider the file formulation and its maintenance as far as the procedure of collecting information.

The additional information consists in:

·         references that allow to find in univocal way all the available drawings "as built" and "as installed", their natural position included;

·         references that allow to find in univocal way the building proceeding and the specifications of the used equipment. For these, the record office of the technical and safety cards must be indicated.

·         references that allow to find in univocal way the list and the physical location of the maintenance manuals and of all the data of the foreseen manuals;

·         detailed list of the location and accessibility of every manufactured articles subject to possible maintenance interventions;

·         operative proceedings of the maintenance intervention with the analysis and the evaluation of the risks;

·         proceedings for the periodic file updating;

·         proceedings for the graphic elaborates updating (drawings "as built"), in case of modifications made during the maintenance period;

·         list of the common and personal protection devices to be used during the maintenance works, mentioning which they  are already equipped with  and which have to be supplied by the costumer.

From this point of view it could be right that a "Summarizing document", precedes the file. It must contain the relevant reading keys, in order to allow to every operator and not only to the safety coordinator who drawn it up, to reach, according to the necessity, the necessary information and documents.

1.7 The coordination of the safety in the works execution phase

The activity of the safety coordinator during the works execution phase is aimed to carry out the work safely. To assure such a result, the coordinator should carry out, in addition to what foreseen in art. 5 of L.D. 494/96, the following activities:

a)     to arrange periodical meetings (in case already reported in the safety and coordination plan) with the presence of: costumer, works director, if necessary RLS- safety representative of the workers-, aimed to the examination of the production planning and to the determination of the operative procedures to be applied.

b)     to update the safety and coordination plan according the possible delays of the operative program and/or of the necessary modification to be made for the workers protection and health;

c)     to examine all the documentation relevant to the safety (safety operative plans, certifications, and documents relevant to subordinate workers) referred to every subcontractor or independent worker. In case this documentation does not result complete, to ask its completion before of their entrance in the yard;

d)     to urge the responsible (costumer and/or contractor/s) to submit the requests for possible modifications to the competent bodies (Asl, Distributor bodies, VV.F, etc.) for permissions or authorizations necessary to carry out the works;

e)     to verify that it has been arranged the proceedings for the filing and finding of all the necessary documentation for completing the file (for example "equipment of the works"). In case there are modification of the project, the file must include all the documenting information (drawings, technical reports, etc.).

f)       to verify that all the drawings "as built" are filed. These drawings contain all the possible modification made during the execution.

The documents and the information of the above point e) and f) will be used by the coordinator during the planning phase, to whom belongs the responsibility of the file, for the completion of such document.

The typology of the activities and the presence on the yard of the coordinator for the execution, directly depend on the complexity and the consistency of the works and on the contemporary or subsequent presence of more subcontractors and on the works program.

Moreover it is advisable to underline that it belongs to the coordinator for the execution to take care of the unavoidable stopping of the activities that could happen in the yard life, either during the day or for definite periods (calendar and contractual holidays, impossibility to work because of bad weather conditions, etc.).

It is suggested to define since the safety-planning phase, and therefore to mention it in the plan, what will be the actions to be adopted in the yard to prevent the risks arising from the works stopping...

The yard is a place that must be constantly watched and defined with reference to the surrounding environment either if it is an existing building or a free space. The safety measures of the yard require:

·         to always and anyway forbid the access to unauthorized personnel during the works execution or during the work stops;

·         the presence of a yard fencing,  of signals placed near the accesses and, where necessary, of personnel appointed for the safety;

·         the isolation of equipment and machinery inside of the stores or in suitably defined areas for their  shelter;

·         to arrange provisional temporarily works to be used only during the activity stops (refilling of the excavation areas,  prohibition of access to scaffoldings, definition and protection of particularly risky areas) 

Coordinator work plan for the work execution

Among the duties of the works execution coordinator there is the one of verifying the necessary coordination and checking actions, the application by the working companies and of the independent workers of the relevant provisions included in the safety and coordination plan and the right application of the relevant work procedures.

In order to perform such activities in an effective and efficient way it is necessary, before the start of the works, to define in a specific document the work plan, herebelow mentioned as wp, the methodology to be applied for the performance of the assignment.

The wp is a document that defines:

·         "what" must be done, with which bonds (applicable provisions),

·         "who makes what" (responsibility) and with which resources, in which times,

·         "how" it must be made (work methods, documentation),

·         in which way "it is secured" that the planned work has been correctly performed (verifications).

The wp must be considered as a dynamic document, to be periodically updated with reference to the progress of the situations so that it will be constantly valid.

Herebelow we show a draft of the contents of a typical work plan. For works of small entitiy the wp could be simplified, but it is advisable that it is always issued for the peace of the coordinator himself as it constitutes the proof of the real execution of the coordination activities.

The work plan contents (wp)

Aim and application field of the wp

The present document means the wp relevant to the carrying out of the coordinator assignment for the works execution of ..... The wp grants the correct statement of the assignment and represent the operative instrument for the activity management with reference to the contractual provisions.

The assignment which the present wp refers to is relevant to the contract entered to ..... on.... 

The involved parties

To list all the involved subjects in the work execution, with which the coordinator must keep the relationships.

In particular the following names will be listed:

·         customer

·         works responsible

·         project coordinator

·         work director

·         contractor

·         safety engineer appointed by the costumer/s

For every person it will be mentioned the address, phone numbers, fax, e-mail, names and addresses of possible deputies.

The reference documents  

The following documents, completed with the identification code, revision number and/or issuing time, must be listed:

·         contract/order entered to the customer or responsible

·         safety and coordination plan/s

·         file(s)

·         operative safety plans

·         planning papers,

·         other documents supplied by the costumer

·         tender contract/s of the works with all its enclosures

·         laws and provisions relevant to the safety

·         other

The list must be constantly kept updated and increased with possible new documents.

The sections 1, 2 and 3 of wp define in a clear way the contest within which the coordinator will operate.  Section 2 finds the involved parties so allowing to indicate  "who" makes what, giving everyone his specific responsibilities, so avoiding ambiguous situations.

Section 3, relevant to the reference documents, takes a fundamental importance since, only by means of these documents and after their careful and accurate examination, the coordinator can effectively prepare and execute the pertinent activities.  

The work 

To report a short description of the work with particular attention to:

·         yard site and its interference with the surrounding environment,

·         indications of the main characteristics of the project,

·         splitting of the work,

·         schedule of milestones [2] .

The assignment  

a) Foreseen performances

To list in details all the performances, duties and responsibilities that are foreseen in the contract (in case by enclosing copy of the relevant contractual provisions).

b) Main problems

To list the main problems of technical, contractual, logistic, environmental and administrative kind, taken from the analysis of the safety and coordination plan, of the project and of the tender contract, that the coordinator of the execution works thinks to face during the performance of his assignment and to supply with the preliminary indications about the ways that he deem to adopt to face and solve the found problems.

The organization

It is given information relevant to:

a)     institutional chart

To enclose a chart that clarify the connection among the involved people during the works performance phase, mentioned in the second section of wp.

b)     the coordinator organization in the works execution phase.

With reference to the works dimensions, the coordinator will develop his activity alone or together with a working group. In this case the components for the group will be listed and their duties and responsibilities mentioned.

c)     foreseen specialistic software

It is detailed the software resources that possibly will be necessary and that will be utilized during the execution of the coordination activities. 

Coordination during the works executions 

(a)  Methods and procedures

To describe, also on the basis of the offer, the methods and the procedures that will be used to secure the coordination for the safety during the works executions phase. According to what mentioned in the previous section 6, it will be defined who must work, coordinate, check, approve, etc. so stating the exact responsibilities at every level; when it must be made, according to what provisions and procedures; what documentation must be submitted. It must also be listed the procedures to assure that all what mentioned has really been made and to certify the definite realization.

(b)  Papers and reports

It must be listed the reports and possible papers to be prepared by the coordinator, by determining the time of their issuing (when applicable). 

Information distribution 

To determine the procedures for the distribution of the information from and to the outside, by specifying for every kind of document the main consignee, the acknowledgement copies, the number of copies and their characteristics  (paper, magnetic support). 

Performance of the coordinator activity for the execution 

The elaboration of a wp assumes competence and knowledge of the problems relevant to the management of the building process by the person who prepares it (not necessarily the coordinator).

In the majority of  cases the coordinator for the works execution will operate in small dimension yards, without a permanent managerial staff  with which to discuss.  In these situations the work of the coordinator can be particularly difficult and, as he can not directly intervene on the works (except for cases of absolute gravity), his activity may be only limited the issuing of letters to the customer and/or works supervisior, in which the real situation of the yard is reported.

Trying to obviate to this situation, herebelow the operative indications relevant to the coordination activity for the safety during the execution of the works are listed.

For small yards, where works that does not foresee particular risks and that are considered as "consolidated" are carried out, it will be enough that the coordinator prepares some "checking lists" to be used during the yards inspections. Such documents, because of their schemes, lead the person during the inspection, by helping him not to forget anything. At the end of the inspection, the coordinator will be able to write the report that will be distributed to all the involved people.

The checking list, to be made according to the rules listed in the referred provision, will be divided in sections according to the dealt matters and, for example, can have the following content:

·         site preparation

·         documentation

·         health and safety of the workers

·         plants (electric one, of ground, of atmospherical discharge protection, etc.)

·         working near to the aerial electric lines,

·         lifting plants and equipment

·         general protection of the machinery

·         provisional works

·         IPD (individual protection devices)

·         other 

Other activities required by the coordinator for the work execution and for which it is necessary to define an operative procedure, can be:

·         examination and approval of the variation proposals of the safety and coordination plan submitted by the costumer;

·         completion of the safety and coordination plan with reference to the occurred modifications;

·         checking and approval of the safety operative plans of single subcontractors and their integration with the safety and coordination plan.

The coordination activity for the works execution is, as it can be found from this paper, very complex and requires a deep knowledge of the yard by the appointed person, together with a great confidence with the managerial techniques of the whole building process in order to be able to correctly discuss with all the involved people. In any case communication and summary capacities must not be missing. 

[1] However it is proper to underline that in the preamble of the Decree it is generically mentioned the directive (..." considering the directive 92/57/Cee of the Council, of 24th June 1992, concerning the minimum safety and health rules to be respected in the temporarily and movable yards...") it has been considered useful to relate it entirely in the appendix being it unknown to the operators in most cases and difficult to find anyway. The reading of the directive allows to understand and to explain the execution decree in a correct way and in accordance with the community rules.

[2] It is meant the principal events in the execution of the work.