the period 1998 - 2001 accidents occurred in Italy end reported
to Inail show a growth in absolute value; there is a low flexion
(- 0,12%) concerning the relation between number of accidents
and employed, comparing data of 1999 with those of 2001. For what
is concerned deadly events in the same period growing numeric
data had been registered from 1999 to 2001 with a decrease in
2000; even percentages between events and employed aren't significant.
Tuscany Regional ambit, in the same period, umber of accidents
and deadly events reported are constantly growing - even in year
2000 - and seems to be growing also percentages data of accidents
compared with number of employed, and the relation between deadly
events and accidents.
Inail n.° 5 of may 2002, dedicated to constructions sector
shows numerical series referred to accidents reported and number
of employed from which result that frequency in the period 2001
in construction sector is higher related to all other sectors,
and for employed is almost double in relation with unemployed.
In the same publication are quoted average data related to labour
disease cases paid off for the period from 1997 to 2001 from which
it could be drawn that the most occurring pathology is bradyacusia,
while in the construction sector are cutaneous diseases.
Table n.° 20
Source: Inail
report 2001
data - part three - territorial card
Tuscany Region- LIVORNO Province 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001
data, graphics and percentages of accidents reported to Inail
by province

n.° 21
Source: Inail
report 2001
data - part three - territorial card
Tuscany Region - LIVORNO Province 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001
data, graphics and percentages of deadly events reported to Inail
by province

n.° 22
Source: Inail
- statistic database
LIVORNO province 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001
labour accidents reported from companies for activity sector

Table n.° 23
Source: Inail
- statistic database
LIVORNO province 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001
data and graphic labour accidents reported from companies
activity sectors: metal industry and constructions

Table n.° 24
Source: Inail
- statistic database
Italy - Tuscany Region - LIVORNO province 1998 - 1999 - 2000 -
data and graphic about labour accidents reported by companies
by rate code
activity sector: building constructions

Table n.° 25
Source: Inail
- statistic database
Italy - Tuscany Region - LIVORNO province - 1998
graphics and relative percentages by employed and accidents
activity sector: building constructions

n.° 26
Source: Inail
- statistic database
Italy - Tuscany Region - LIVORNO province - 1999
graphics and relative percentages by employed and accidents
activity sector: building constructions

Table n.° 27
Source: Inail
- statistic database
Italy - Tuscany Region - LIVORNO province - 2000
graphics and relative percentages by employed and accidents
activity sector: building constructions
