n.° 28
- statistic database
Italy - Tuscany Region - LIVORNO province - 1998 - 1999 - 2000
data e progression graphic of relation between employed and reported
activity sector: building constructions

Analyzing data related to accidents reported to Inail for building
sector in the period 1998 - 1999 - 2000, comparing values between
Italy, Tuscany Region and Livorno Province is highlighted steady
growing for what is concern accidents reported in province. From
the situation of 1998 in which the relation between number of
accidents and employed in Livorno results to be higher of the
whole national territory but lower in comparison with Tuscany,
for the period 1999 - 2000 this relation remain higher. Besides
in 1998 the number of events reported in the metal industry sector
is higher that in constructions; the situation is opposite in
the following year, because number of accidents is higher compared
with other sectors for 1999, 2000, 2001.
Table n.° 29
Source: Tuscany Region
department of health rights and solidarity politics
Tuscany Region - 1999
survey project of accidents with deadly outcome or with a prognosis
of more than 29 days, occurred in building sector
activity sector: constructions
Provinces where accidents occurred

Table n.° 29.1

Table n.° 29.2

Table n.° 29.3

Table n.° 29.4

Table n.° 29.5
